Sunday’s Child is a weekly column featuring a child currently in foster care awaiting adoption.
Aleenah is a healthy ten-year-old girl of Caucasian descent. Aleenah is a child who is easily entertained but particularly enjoys activities such as bowling, roller skating, and going to the movies. Aleenah also loves to draw and sing along to the radio.
Aleenah is in need of a family that can provide her with a structured, loving home. She wants a family that will take care of her and keep her safe. Aleenah enjoys visits with her sisters and other birth family members.
Legally freed for adoption, Aleenah could be placed in a home with a single mom or two-parent family as the only child in the home or with much older high school or college-aged children. Continued contact with her siblings who are placed in other homes will be required. Aleenah also maintains monthly visits with her birth mother and twice per month visits with her maternal great-grandmother.
Who can adopt?
Can you provide the guidance, love, and stability that a child needs? If you’re at least 18 years old, have a stable source of income, and room in your heart, you may be a perfect match to adopt a waiting child. Adoptive parents can be single, married, or partnered; experienced or not; renters or homeowners; LGBTQ singles and couples.
The process to adopt a child from foster care requires training, interviews, and home visits to determine if adoption is right for you, and if so, to help connect you with a child or sibling group for which your family will be a good match. Please contact the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange at 617-964-MARE (6273) or