New law allows anyone in Fla. to challenge a textbook
Associated Press

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A parent in Florida is citing profanity and violence in trying to get the local school to ban Ray Bradbury’s ‘‘Fahrenheit 451’’ — itself a cautionary tale on the banning of books. Another wants to remove Walter Dean Myers’s ‘‘Bad Boy’’ for using the word ‘‘penis’’ and a homophobic slur.

Elsewhere in Florida, some say global warming and evolution are a hoax and should not be taught in textbooks unopposed. Others say their local school’s textbooks shortchange Islam’s role in the world, while their opponents argue it’s the danger posed by Muslim terrorists that’s underexposed.

Under a bill passed by the Florida Legislature this year, district residents — regardless of whether they have a child in school — can now challenge material as pornographic, biased, inaccurate, or a violation of state law and get a hearing before an outside mediator.

The mediator advises the local school board, whose decision is final. Previously, challenges could only be made by parents to the school or district. There was also no mediator and fewer mandates. Districts must now also post online a list of all new books and material by grade level to make monitoring easier.

The Florida Citizens’ Alliance, a conservative group, pushed for the change, arguing that many districts ignored challenges or heard them with stacked committees, and didn’t consider residents who don’t have children in the schools.

Members say boards rejected complaints over sexually explicit novels like Toni Morrison’s ‘‘The Bluest Eyes’’ being issued to middle school students. They also don’t believe evolution and global warming should be taught without students hearing counterarguments.

Keith Flaugh, a managing director of the alliance, said schools are using pornographic materials and textbooks that ‘‘totally distort our founding values and principles.’’

“They are teaching our kids socialism versus free markets,’’ Flaugh said. “They are teaching our kids that the government is our nanny, the government is supposed to protect them.’’

He also said children receive a biased presentation against freedom of religion and gun rights.

Brandon Haught, spokesman for Florida Citizens for Science, which opposed the bill, said his group is prepared to fight any challenges made against the teaching of evolution and climate change, which nearly all biologists and climatologists agree are proven facts.

Haught, a high school environmental science teacher, said he is surprised social studies and English teachers have not formed similar coalitions to defend their courses.

Associated Press